If you forget your password, don't try the wrong password over and over until you get locked out. Simply go to  https://portal.viviotech.net  and select "Reset Password." It will give you the option to reset it by emailing you a reset code. This code will quickly expire, so proceed with the process right away. Keep in mind you will need to know the email address on file or the account username to request a reset of your password.

Password reset codes are only valid for 2 hours, so be sure you complete the full process within that window or you may need to start over.

Step-by-step guide

Here are the step-by-step directions for requesting a password reset

  1. On the login page, click the 'Reset Password' link
  2. After clicking the link, you will be taken to the password reset page. Here, you must first select your method of identifying the account. The options are by email address, client ID, or username. Select the appropriate option and fill in the matching information on the line below.
  3. Once you have filled in the information, click the 'Email Reset Code' box to have a password reset link emailed to the address tied to the account you provided, and the following dialogue box will open:

    Didn't get the reset code? Be sure to check your spam or junk folder. If it isn't there, be sure you provided the correct information to identify your account, and that you checked the correct email address.

  4. The reset code will arrive in an email with the subject "Reset Account Credentials", and it will be sent by support@viviotech.net. The email will contain your username along with a direct link for resetting your password, as well as the reset code itself, which you can enter on the reset page instead of using the provided link. If you don't use the link, just go back to the reset password page, and click the "I have a reset code" link then proceed to the next step.
  5. If you followed the link, you will be taken back to the reset page, which will automatically fill in the reset code. If you didn't use the link, just copy and paste the code from your email.
  6. You will now need to choose a new password. Password requirements are fairly specific, so use the information below as a guide when choosing your password:
    Password Requirements:
    - Password must not be the same as the username
    - Password must be at least 12 characters
    - Password must contain both alphabetic and numeric characters
    - Password cannot be one of the last 4 passwords used

    The password requirements are also available on the reset page, just click the  icon on the new password box to view them directly on the page.
  7. After you have chosen a new password and confirmed it, just click the 'Reset' button. This will update the password to your new choice.

We hope that this article has been helpful, but as always, if you need more assistance please feel free to reach out to us by phone, email, or web chat.